Our Biosophy
Let’s kick off with our overarching ethos and ultimate goal: The re-evolution to kindness, a manifesto.
The Re-Evolution
It’s pretty obvious that the world is calling out for change. Call it a revolution. A re-evolution.
The Flow: Tap Into The Muse
To some, it is the muse. To some, genius. Some a wind. Some, divine inspiration – a gift, revelation or visitation from above.
Medicine, Health and Spiritual Hygiene
As Aldous Huxley put it: “a totally unmystical world would be a world totally blind and insane”.
Food is Medicine
“Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?” – Jane Goodall
Co-living, Community and Societal Structure
There is a reason “sharing is caring” is a time-honoured adage – something we say to our kids and repeat to each other.
Business Models, Economics and the Structure of Work
Thing is, infinite growth with finite resources doesn’t quite work.