The Re-Evolution

A carefully curated kindness


…Or: what the world needs now, an introduction 

It’s pretty obvious that the world is calling out for change. Call it a revolution. A re-evolution. Call it the age of Aquarius. Call it what you like. It is, genuinely, all the same. Ultimately, amidst a cataclysmic climate crisis, global pandemic, war, economic debacle and international discontent over inequality, injustice and a loss of civil rights, the world is crying out for a change of direction.

So how do we reroute?

Our suggestion is for us all to start with one rudimentary (surprisingly radical) imperative: being kind.  Being collectively and individually kind.

How would you like a world where for everything we do, our every idea, word or act, we would first ask ourselves, is it kind? Interrogating the intention, method and impact of the change we are trying to make, and assuring ourselves that it is being done in the kindest possible way. Just a classic bit of “think before you speak”, or act, or impact – otherwise known as thoughtfulness, mindfulness, empathy or basic niceness. Checking we are doing things in a way that avoids hurt for ALL agents involved: all of the people, all of the planet.

This might not seem particularly revolutionary, but we think it’s enough to make a difference – especially considering what we mean by “all”.

Yes: all. The whole. Our understanding of the re-evolution-to-kindness the world so desperately needs assumes oneness: the intrinsic interconnectivity of all things. Yes, that is a Douglas Adams quote. And, yes, it’s the best way to explain that we are ALL in three key ways:

1) we are holistic beings: mind, body, spirit; tangible, astral; corporeal, intellectual, vibrational – we are the sum of many parts and we communicate with all living things on each of these levels. It would be clever to remain mindful of that. 

b) we are part of a single international community: humankind. The decisions we make impact everybody on the planet in some manner, and we need to maintain the foresight to protect the whole – not just our neighbours, tribes, friends and family. 

c) we are part of ALL natural creation. Humans cannot be exempt from the laws of nature because we literally are nature. Yes, we are one with nature. Our interconnectedness is obvious and at the same time subtle; it’s understanding the patterns and systems that exist and repeat themselves in nature that connect all living things. A dance of moving mirrors where everything is a metaphor to everything. Think the Fibonacci sequence and the way sacred geometry replays itself in everything from the way that galaxies are formed to the way a fern curls. 

As above so below, right? Patterns and allegories, vibrational and biomagnetic forces adjoin us – so kindness must apply to the whole.

May we all be kind to the whole of the lifeform, the whole of the community and the whole of natural creation. May we not take a resource from one place and think it doesn’t impact countless others. May we not detract from one community or environment to benefit the other. 

Ultimately, this requires a universal foresight: to think of the consequences. Something like expanding the universal declaration of human rights to cover the entire universe: the rights of the plants, the seas, the commons, the whole solar system.

So, that’s the tenet: 

1. be kind

2. be kind universally


3. take responsibility

That’s us, humans, taking responsibility over our power. Because, yes, while we are all one, we are the species that has had a bigger impact on the environment than any other. This defines our entire epoch, the Anthropocene: the human capacity to create and, therefore, destroy. Ultimately, our underestimation of our own power, and overestimation of the assimilative capacity of our environments, is what is backfiring on us.

Our revolution looks to get us all to a place where we are completely aware that when we create, we have the capacity to destroy – a mindfulness of the duality of our creative powers – and become more careful about where and how we tread. This isn’t about eliminating our footprint, but maximising our handprint. Maximising our “heartprint”, even: what we create when we’re aligned with Venus and the feminine power – the power of art, of life – rather than Mars’ traditional, more masculine approach. 

So we don’t expect to be zero impact, or to throw away the world we’ve created and start again. We don’t want to destroy or conquer anything else, but rather take a more peaceful, mindful approach to change. The amazing creativity of humankind has produced all shades of awesomeness, but it has also done a lot of damage – we’re trying to redirect our path a few degrees, and to do so in a softer, systematic manner, to make sure we start to protect what we have and restore what we’ve destroyed.

So we ask: are we looking at the whole? And are we being kind? To ourselves, on every level. To humankind, everywhere. And to the entire natural word. By doing so, carefully, thoughtfully, collaboratively, lovingly, we engender change: revolution. Re-evolution. And at the end of this re-evolution is a place where ALL thrive in a harmonic way. A carefully crafted re-evolution to kindness, thriving, joy and equilibrium. 


Our Biosophy


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