Our Biosophy

Life is a balancing act” – Dr Seuss

We believe that humanity has lost the art of equilibrium (if, of course, we ever really had it), of give and take – and that we need to find a more balanced system of exchange with the earth for the good of everything on it. In fact, we think it might just be the key to our survival.  

We have been on a journey of working out how we might collectively contribute to achieving this for pretty much 2 decades– and here’s where we’ve landed, for now: The Moth biosophy. These are The Moth’s core beliefs, our areas of expertise, and the fields of focus in which we believe we can actively help make the world a more joyful place.

Disclaimer: if you sense that you see glimmers of other theories, opinions or works referenced here, chances are you do. Our biosophy is an intercontextual, patchwork quilt of the brilliant ideas we’ve encountered, and by including them in our ethos we hope to honour them and, just maybe, give them even more lifeforce by uniting them with other brilliant ideas. In other words: we don’t claim to have laid any of these eggs, we’re just good at making omelettes. 

Let’s kick off with our overarching ethos and ultimate goal: 

The re-evolution to kindness, a manifesto

a. A “re-evolution” is coming (and it will be one of kindness, since there is no other way): lets face it, we either change our trajectory to preserve ourselves or we go extinct. A huge shame if you asked us.

b. All living things are intrinsically interconnected - see Douglas Adams-

c. If in doubt, lets ask ourselves: is it kind? Kind to everything and everyone, that is… Kind to the All

Moreover, we try our best to come from a starting point that human intentions are good, whatever the outcome: that we are all implicitly, intrinsically good. And imperfect. Just good people trying to do the best with what we know – and that fortunately for all, when we know better, we do better. Accepting and embodying this position is, we believe, the key to making the change we need. 

So that’s the idea, here’s how it could manifest in the way we live, work, create, learn and look after ourselves, our children and our community:


1. Co-living, community and societal structure

We believe we need to go back to following nature’s example and reinstate Community structures that promote efficiency and sustainability, creativity and fun – integrating biomimicry, community and “sharing is caring” system design

2. Building and architecture

We believe that the artform of architecture can elevate our lives and our environment (and that when misused, as it is now, is having the opposite effect), using smart, sustainable home design and construction for people and planet to thrive


3. Creativity, genius and the flow

From traditional ceremony to cutting-edge neurosciences, there are proven practises and conditions that help us reach our optimal vibrational level, “hacking the muse” and unleashing our creativity, genius and best work – we believe in making the most of them

4. The world of work, economics and business

Our angle on pseudo-capitalism 2.0 eschews unsustainable, infinite growth and embraces beautiful quadruple bottom line business models -with a four fold drive of People, Planet, Purpose and Profit- for thriving economies, workers and the world


5. Food

We believe that returning to local, seasonal, “slow food” and responsible, regenerative planting that honours our environment and our first, most important form of medicine, our food, will help fix the harmful way humanity currently cultivates what it consumes

6. Spirituality, medicine and health

Understanding our environments and our holistic physical, cerebral, emotional and spiritual bodies will help us take our health back into our hands, combining nature, knowledge, spiritual and emotional hygiene, and of course, a good dash of mysticism


7. Education

We believe in nature, nurture and no more exams. We invented our current education system for the industrial revolution; it’s well overdue an update. We are readdressing what and how we teach to create happy humans, a happy planet and kick off a lifelong journey of learning

Whether we’re building a hamlet, hosting an event, devising an eccentrically regenerative investment plan or making a soup, The Moth tries its best to make all its decisions from these standpoints – and these perspectives feed into our developments, events, trips and business plans-. The journey to integrity is long, a life time journey, as individuals and as a collective. Here at the Moth we choose to let go of guilt and shame and just focus on doing our very best, the best we can. A team must start with a dream though. Please join us.

Get in touch to learn more. 


The Re-Evolution