

We work alongside real estate professionals, builders and promoters to support the conceptualizing process towards creating sustainable developments.  







The Moth is a reputable consulting firm with expertise in conceiving conscious boutique real estate developments in breath-taking natural environments. Through associations with key construction and developing firms, we co-create smart sustainable micro communities in plots that hold a twofold purpose; enable a sustainable lifestyle, and preserve the natural environment. Our developments feature private homes that share the community’s common grounds, which feature several communal structures and services -ranging from co-working to leisure spaces- as well as food producing gardens and large areas dedicated to regenerate and preserve the wilderness around.



We have 25 years of professional experience in boutique sustainable real estate development.  By living the lifestyle we promote we have developed a solid understanding of this market as well as a large network of experts in all fields of sustainability. In other words, we know the market because  ̈we are it ̈. Having created a number of thoughtful, gorgeous spaces and designed their functioning, we have developed sustainability guidelines for our developing partners. These guidelines have been created in areas such as community master planning and house design and construction, energy and water systems, conservation and permaculture as well as community management. We have built it all ourselves, and that gives us a solid understanding of the construction process.


Let us accompany you on a journey to uncover your wildest dream life, to then ground this into solid concepts and devise a round map to bring your project into reality.

  • Location and Land Evaluation Advice

  • Land Scouting 

  • Concept Creation and Documentation

  • Business Plan Conceptualizing

  • Financial Planning

  • Support with Master Plan Design

  • Provision of Development 

  • Construction Guidelines on Sustainability and Aesthetics

  • A Personalized Step-By-Step Road Map

  • Defining Team Needs and Supporting Hiring Process

  • Provision of Marketing Support





As a company we believe in building long lasting partnerships that help us all grow together in the creation of a more sound human habitat. With the booming demand for sustainable real estate developments, there is a huge opportunity for developers and experts in sustainable construction to partner up and ensure this demand is met, offering solid professional solutions for our clients. The Moth now provides expertise specific to Central America and some of Europe -Spain, Greece and Italy-, introducing our partners to a whole new market of conscious, sustainability-focussed clients. In turn, we are able to upscale these sustainable applications thanks to the valuable contribution of highly experienced developers, who also provide updated and reliable construction costs.

Beautiful natural environment in which to create your tailored eco conscious projects from sustainable architecture and design to retreat centers and micro communities


Our scalable, sustainable co-living and working spaces are designed around shared values, resources and facilities, curated and operated in line with regenerative principles. Let us accompany you in a journey to discover your needs and your wildest dream life, to then transform this into solid concepts and devise a road map to ground your project into reality. Featuring iconic, inspiring architecture using natural materials, permaculture-principled edible and medicinal gardens, and an incredible network of professionals, we plant the seeds and set up the systems for you to create your very own Moth habitat.

We oversee key aspects of the development, from smart and stylish architecture, to appropriate technology and marketing strategy, as well as providing sustainability guidelines and ongoing support. By working hard to keep our costs at bay, being innovative with our designs, keeping up with the latest technologies and making sure our land choices are smart, we generate safe investments while being fair to the environment.


We have the ability to combine environments with a little bit of mysticism allowing us to create development concepts that support reaching a state of optimal vibrational level.  We “hack the muse” to unleash your projects creativity, genius and profit. Allow our expertise to assist you in conceptualizing your own retreat center or custom projects that you can monetize kindly.

  • Private Homesteads

  • Habitational Micro-Communities

  • Retreat Spaces

  • Natural Healing Centers

  • Carbon Farming

  • Permaculture

  • Forest Regeneration and Conservation 

  • Kind Commercial Projects





We are constantly scouting land across Central America and the Caribbean for sustainable business opportunities. The sustainable housing demand, which used to be quite targeted, is now becoming more and more mainstream. Being an early adopter of more sustainable practices gives any real estate developer a competitive advantage, as they become a pioneer on what is soon to become a new norm. This provides the opportunity to meet the overflowing demand of conscious investors and expats who are dramatically changing their lifestyle towards more sustainable, purposeful, and harmonious practices. In addition, the recent rise in global prices of construction materials (20% increase only last year) makes building with local and sustainable materials more financially sound than ever. If you are looking to invest in an already conceptualized project with the aim of receiving a return in an eco-friendly and regenerative manner, be sure to browse our projects below and get in touch for more opportunities.



After three years of searching the world, we found what is now Tara Panama: 44 magical hectares of remote tropical rainforest on Panama’s Caribbean coast. A former cacao plantation remarkably self-regenerated into a wild, waterfront jungle.


The site is blessed with sheltered, tranquil waters and incipient reef, breath-taking natural features, remarkably fertile soil (there’s a reason the area is called Tierra Oscura) and magical ancient forests with miraculous biodiversity, including timber-like tropical vines and abundant edible and medicinal plants – all astonishingly wild and diverse for a past plantation. Leaving space to sit with and understand this incredible land, The Moth acts as its stewards. The long-term plan is to create a true hermitage-like “retreat”  by introducing sustainable, luxury tree architecture into this spectacular jungle environment, permaculture-inspired planting for gourmet jungle-to-table dining, and an inspirational space for high-level ideation, creation, healing and transformation.  It will be a new kind of regeneration retreat.




Investment and sustainable development opportunity in a Caribbean beach paradise in Costa Rica to build an eco friendly and conscious lifestyle


The Beach is a 14 hectare housing micro community development on a rapidly growing coastal destination in Costa Rica.  The Beach features 20 large plots teamed with a large waterfront communal area where we will be placing a yoga and meditation space, an innovative co-working space by the ocean, whole foods gourmet restaurant, child care and child play area, spa infrastructure and a water sports hub, all geared for inhabitants to have access to the true Paradise found life style.


With over 200 hectares of protected forest and 10 hectares that will be dedicated to a mix of Natural Clinic and a retreat center, the Healing Forest’s focus is realizing the most extravagant of dreams: very discreetly inhabiting an insanely wild ecosystem while preserving it for future generations.  


Our initial idea is to turn the very few hectares already cut and available for development into an epic Retreat Center in wilderness.  Providing our clients with meditation, yoga, sound healing and other flow inducing practices while inhabiting a pristine ecosystem all while being fed healthy energy charged meals.  We would aim to guide them into a state of peak creativity and mental and physical performance.  Then we pair all the flow created with the services of a natural clinic offering all sorts of healing modalities, from the most traditional Reiki and Acupuncture to the more technological Ozone and Ortho molecular medicine and beyond. All of this would induce a profound and truly holistic healing, and a journey into the ultimate creative flow.  For our investors this is a remarkable opportunity to wisely invest your money leaving a legacy of preservation and innovative healing to others.  





We also have experience designing educational and travel experiences ranging from Kind Living Residencies to Brilliancy Retreats. These events allow others to come and experience the type of lifestyle we are so passionate about. There are proven practices and conditions that help us reach our optimal vibrational level.  We call it “hacking the muse”  to unleash our creativity, genius and best work – So we can all make the most of them

We offer guidance and consulting services for wellness and healing retreats centers as well as concepts and design processes


Understanding our environments and our holistic, physical, cerebral, emotional and spiritual bodies will help us take our health back into our hands. By combining nature, knowledge, spiritual and emotional hygiene, and just a little bit of mysticism we can work to be our healthiest selves. Allow our knowledge to assist you in conceptualizing your own retreat event or center. Our retreat content, systems and programs have been perfected over the years and can be transferred to any project you can dream up. Allow our knowledge to assist you in conceptualizing your very own retreat. 

Temascal Sauna in a beautiful eco friendly property for sale in Tzununa Guatemala
Beautiful views of Lake Atitlan Guatemala eco design property and wellness retreat center for sale
Conscious lifestyle consulting company helps you create a la carte healing events and centers